Work in Progress (No, really)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Things I read instead of studying for the MCAT

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Review my take a long time.

I've now read the introduction and thus far, aside from a few incidents of comedy (well, in some sense I guess), the discussion centered around how hard it is to write an actually autobiography. Write too little and you end up portraying yourself in a totally different light from reality. As people age, memories fade and things become harder to recall. And then, putting your entire life, all the pains, the hardships, the highs and lows, the love, bitterness, and everything in between is a very hard task (emotionally, mentally and it can even effect your physical state).

I never really realized how much goes into an autobiography. And how many revisions they probably go through until the writer himself is content (which even at the end Josh Sahib wasn't, but alas his memory grew weaker and he didn't have enough in him to write a 5th version of his life).

Still 90% of this book to read. I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, for those that need a history lesson, please click here.

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